St Joseph Catholic Church Podcast

Solemnity of Christ the King Homily with Fr. Daniel Kelley



Solemnity of Christ the King Homily with Fr. Daniel Kelley. Today we celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the King, acknowledging that Jesus Christ is above all temporal rulers, past, present, or future. We also recognize that Jesus Christ should reign in our lives, guiding us in our thoughts, our decisions, and our conduct. In both the universe that is the entire world and the universe that is our own heart, Jesus Christ is Lord. We will spend the next several minutes listening to the word of the Lord. Though scripture was written by different types of authors—storytellers, prophets, psalmists, letter writers, evangelists—and in different forms—historical narratives, myths, psalms, testimonies, epistles—it all is the word of God. In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells Pilate that everyone who belongs to the truth listens to his voice. We belong to the truth, so now we listen to God’s voice.