Cowboy Wisdom Radio

Cowboy Wisdom Radio



I asked me… How does anger fissure my stranglehold on what I know and selfish ways? I now grasp anger is internal paralyzation and external…  Diction of despair because I now concede and understand post anger causes me to go into myself deep into the situation because to expand… Of life I liberate myself through understanding and respecting the acumen of anger energizes my self introspection because anger is being afraid… Of new frontiers of insight that life blesses me with everyday as I now understand anger frustration and darkness open my questioning ardor… To realize anger and frustration are showing me being afraid to listen hear and adhere to newfangled farseeing fortitude disperses my anger…  Dissolves my arrogance disband my yesteryear sneers because anger and frustration brightly clear my paths to hear and see out of the blue brilliance…  That boldly lionizes utopian endeavors forever expanding of numen nerve to recognize ire excites my desires that daylights… My opulent omnificence revering m