Cowboy Wisdom Radio

Cowboy Wisdom Radio



I sassily dispersed all my fears being afraid and being scared by understanding and admitting I was apathetically apprehensive about my abilities and agility to open up To understand and concede I was stuck in worrywart…  timidness distrusting my faculties weakly feeling sorry for myself crossed the river today as I daylighted my dexterous  daredevilry freed my enterprising inspirations  today because I now appreciate being apprehensive…  allowed me To sift out my sabotaging idiocies freeing my trailblazer tenacity to realize and get  my dreams and desired accomplished outcomes occur as I open my rich inventive wizardry feeling my unfathomable torchbearer… candor optimizing  miraculous enterprising success to understand dissolving fear being afraid and thinking I was scared was my barrage of pity me BS i filled my inner desert about my adventurous…  abilities to expand through life as I now realize admit and respect I never ever have been afraid in fear or scared I was unwilling to challenge my innovative