Cowboy Wisdom Radio

Cowboy Wisdom Radio



I feel my valiant playability showcase my visionary versatility that vigorously turns on my mobilewise willpower that energizes my geysers of genuine enterprising…  yazzapanache scintillates effrontery emotions rousing sassy tenacity to realize revere my life events are to expand my wily agility To hear my gut…  gumption fry my fears terminate my inner sarcasm about me lacking anything was my induced scare tactic to stay mimicking mundane thinking… My inane ineptness left my nest today To never ever stymie my life again as I now begin boldly expanding glorious internal… nerve to instantly unleash crisp canny abilities animated acute to ascend from my inner hell feeling my  hell raisers heroism energize my core warrior…  to rise above The fray never falling prey to my life closet chaos instantly energizes  embossing brilliance to shine… My sunlit wit into my most innermost crevasses where my nullifying horror stories lurk turning me into know it… All jerk because I taught myself to react in cranky crass