Cowboy Wisdom Radio

Cowboy Wisdom Radio



I now realize what I resist exists in my thinking mind binding me into whatever I am resisting because I keep insisting I’m right and everybody else is wrong… As I sing my songs of surrender opening my vanguard vigor to understand and respect my path to my promised land is to quit being a twit thinking… I was a tuff guy that was my stigmatism of internal sabotage moping through life with chip of dip shit on my shoulder thinking my life was living hell… All stopped now because I stopped resisting opens my champion campaigner gall to admit all the pain I encounter in my life is because I resisted listening… To the wisdom of the invisible distrusting my abilities trying to stay safe and never get hurt by anything was my snobbish saboteur locking me in my paucity…  Prison kept me weeping in wimpy worthlessness was dissolved because I conceded I was in competition with the herd of harassing hermits passed… Away today as I stroll on my roads of robust riches never bitching about anything optimizing my gut gal