
Dr Chambreau Holistic Vet Pet Behavior The Pineal Gland



Dr Christina Chambreau, holistic vet will discuss methods of pet behavior and compare the "Clicker Method" to "Homeopathy." But, first the pineal gland is our third eye. How to keep it healthy? Did you know that plants scream when injured? Dr Christina loves an interactive program when listeners comment and call in with stories and questions.  She keeps us informed about her latest classes, provides case study examples, and encourages us to keep a pet journal.  The "clicker" sound is the mode of feedback and communication to the animal, such as horse or dog, for them to respond with an action.  Psychologically, like Pavlov's methods, it is considered positive reinforcement as an effective,  safe and humane way to teach any animal any behavior that it is physically and mentally capable of doing. HomeopathyWorldCommunity programs, articles, and natural remedies. View Pet Show Archives. Full Spectrum Lights code HEALTH. Book Resources. GlutenSummit.