
The Doctrine of Christian Living (Romans 8.30, 1 John 3.16-18, Romans 13.8, Ephesians 4.28, John 17.3, Proverbs 3.9, Hebrews 10.24-25)



Having spent seven weeks searching the Scripture and seeking to understand the foundations of our faith, we turn now to applying what we've learned to the practice of our faith. Reverse the order and we have a righteousness by works rather than by faith. So, this doctrine rightly sits in the eighth spot of our top ten. What difference should God's Word make to our lives? Are our lives a living testimony to the power and hope of God in Jesus Christ? Has the Word and the Spirit of the Lord changed our perception of worship, of human sanctity, of sacrificial service? Does the Scripture determine how we handle our finances, where we find our hope, how we witness? Applied Truth ought to change our lives. Is Jesus our Lord and Master, or do we prefer to just call Him "savior"? What has He saved us from if not from wretched lives of self and sin. What has He saved us to if not to Himself, to living with Christ, to Christian living? Today we'll be scanning a slew of Scriptures to begin laying the ground work for Chri