
The Doctrine of The Church (Ephesians 5.22-30)



For all that's wrong with her, one thing is certain: her Husband is amazing! She is so very loved with a special, enormous, eternal, covenant love, the love of God, the same Trinitarian love shared and enjoyed by Father, Son and Spirit. Yes, she is a work in process. Yes, her background is pretty filthy. But, No! He is not finished with her yet. From beginning in deadness and darkness, God's tremendous grace--one Day soon--will have her wearing white, washed clean by the blood of the Lamb. O Church, know yourself! But don't look for long. Rather, behold your Beloved, your Husband to be. He looked on you in your pitiful estate, before the foundation of the world, and covenanted to love you into a spotless, wrinkle-free beauty that He will proudly present to Himself in holiness! Needing some hope? Grab of copy of God's Word and join us as we peek into the mystery of marriage, the Church's beginnings, and her Husband, the Son of God, the Son of Man.