
The Doctrine of The Work of Christ (Hebrews 1.1-4, 1 Corinthians 15.17, Hebrews 10.12-14)



A dear friend once said, "We live in a microwave culture with a crock-pot God." It's so right and good for us to search for the Lord, to hunger and thirst for greater nearness. But, what when if don't find it? Or worse, what if the concert-high wears off in a few days? You might feel like your power and efficacy are based on your performance, but one thing is for certain: God's power and efficacy aren't! At any time He can do anything He wants. Aren't you grateful?! How else would can we explain how He overcame our blind unbelief? Are you plagued by a wavering-faith? This doctrine may be just what the Doctor ordered. In it we discover the basis for rock-solid, never-wavering, Christ-honoring, God-glorifying, joy-granting faith. Perhaps you've been looking for love in all the wrong "spiritual" places and didn't even know it. Well "X" marks the spot! Grab a copy of God's Word and join us today for The Doctrine of The Work of Christ.