
The Doctrine of The Human Condition (Luke 18.18-25, John 11.1-6,11-15)



During our first week of the doctrinal series we took a good look at our glorious God who exists in an eternal, loving, Trinitarian community. From the overflow of their love for each other, our Creator made us in His image. Last week we considered the the glorious means God has provided for relationship with Him: His Holy Word. Upon the backdrop of such glory, this week we take a humbling dive into the depravity of man with the Doctrine of The Human Condition. Such a look into our fallenness may not prove much fun, but, as CSLewis points out, until we've been brought to the reality of the war we are in against God, we will never look to Him for our only solution, the Son He has provided. So, the depths of death we must dive that we might see the glory of Christ, and live!