Sabbath School Lesson Podcast

Tuesday April 15: He Took Our Nature



Many of His contemporaries considered Jesus an unusual person, yet they each knew Him to be a human being, a man. When the Samaritan woman rushed to her village to spread the word about the unusual Jew she just had met at the well, her announcement was straightforward: “ ‘Come, see a man’ ” (John 4:29, NIV). Hers was the universal testimony of Jesus’ contemporaries. Even after He had calmed the storm, the exclamation of those closest to Him was, “ ‘What kind of man is this?’ ” (Matt. 8:27, NIV). Howdo the following texts help support the fact that Jesus was a genuine human being of flesh and blood? Matt. 8:24 Matt. 21:18 John 4:5,6 John 4:7, 19:28 John 11:33-35 While on earth, Jesus voluntarily surrendered the independent exercise of the Divine attributes. He surrendered; He did not relinquish. The attributes remained in Him. He could have used them at any time for His own advantage, but He did not. The temptation to call on these attributes to extricate Himself from difficulty (in ways not open to us) was