Sabbath School Lesson Podcast

Wednesday April 16: To Feel Our Pain



Why did God need to come into the world in human flesh? The question is important. But we should wean ourselves away from purely rational answers to it. It is not as if we need to come up with an answer that makes sense to us. There is no independent research we can do in philosophy, science, sociology, or whatever, that would lead us to an answer. Nor should we concoct our own answer. The safest way is to listen carefully to what the Bible itself reveals on this point. And in the book of Hebrews, we find some of the clearest, most intentional statements on the issue. Nor is it without significance that Hebrews also happens to be the book focusing most directly on Jesus’ present high priestly ministry in the heavenly sanctuary. Each of the following passages highlights one particular aspect of Jesus’ coming in human flesh, then proceeds to answer the implied question: Why did He do that? And in each case a reason for that particular aspect of His humiliation is given. What are those reasons? Heb. 2:9 Heb.