

Today on Creating Real Marriages that Last, we discuss the upcoming election. In this election there is not a clear “Christian” candidate. Neither of the major parties has been intentional about winning the vote of evangelicals. It’s important to remember that we’re not the first group of Christians to be in this situation. The church has always lived in a non-Christian culture, and has often been led by non-Christian leaders. It’s also important to remember there are other political positions being elected also—senators, representatives, city council members, governors. More of us in the local church need to be involved by running for office. Sometimes we don’t have good choices because all the good people choose not to run. We need to get more involved in the political process. Aside from political positions, all of us can do things to make our neighborhoods and communities better. Those are the wins—the things we should all do to make the greater good a little better for people in our own communities.