Inspiration Weekly

The Power of NOW - being PRESENT



This week our thoughts center around the work of Ekhart Toll, one of my favorite authors, and his beautiful book The Power Of Now. When we constantly think about the past or the future our energy is both here and there. When we think of another time and living now, we are essentially plistting our energy and weakening it with each past or future thought. But when we tap into the power of now, oh it is fantastic! We allow all of our energy to be in one place. Not in the future or in the past, but NOW. Like just this morning I was sitting in the hot tub with my oldest son, Kadyn, and we watched the sunrise come up over the Wasatch Mountains, I was able to talk to him. I asked him my question I ask everyday, "What was your favorite thing you did yesterday?" As he was talking to me, I was completely capitvated by his story from his previous day. His eyes were alive, his gestures so animated, and I could just see the joy in his little 7 year old eyes. That my friends was experiencing the power of being present