Gutsy Mums Podcast

GMP 04: Raw food and essential oils for a healthy gut



Join Kirsty Kraynik as she shares stories, reflections and research all about gut health through her own experiences and interviews with gut health experts and wellness gurus. This podcast is like no other. Full to the rim of practical information presented to help the modern day mum not only deal with her own gut issues but her familys as well. Kirsty is a researching queen, alternative thinking, advocate for wholefood living and a gut health activist training to be a Gut Health Coach. She is passionate about anything and everything to do with the gut and giving mums the tools and resources to be able to find their own healing journey by helping them to identify triggers, root causes, environmental factors, lifestyle choices and mindsets that are standing in their way. Subscribe to the channel and be empowered and challenged to take your health to a holistic and life changing level.