Video Game Generations

Episode 149: Penultimate



After a real-world month and 121 in-game hours, I finished Persona 5. My epic spoiler-free pre-recorded review is here at last. Before that, though, Addie's back for our penultimate episode. I talk a little about plans for the future, to keep the podcast going in some form even though it's reached an end for her. I'm sure we'll talk more about that next week, too. After talking briefly about this week's new releases, we read listener email. This includes a couple great questions about weapon durability in games, and frustrating game mechanics in general. We also get brief impressions of The Fall, The Last Tinker, and Fruit of Grisaia from Nikhil. Several Steam codes from prior weeks may still be available, and six new ones have been added this week. They are for Outlast, Mushroom Men: Truffle Trouble, Atonement: Scourge of Time, Atonement 2: Ruptured by Despair, Sword of the Stars: The Pit - Gold Edition and Bardbarian. The ending music this week is an assortment of several clips from Persona 5. Have feedback