Get Real About Business Podcast

Three Surefire Elevator Pitches for Your Networking Event



9 times out of 10 when someone asks me the number one way for marketing their young business, I'll always say networking. While there are plenty of other ways to market your business, attending networking events is one of the easiest things you can do to get your name out there and it's VERY affordable. But if you're a dyed-in-the-wool introvert attending a networking event can be a very scary thing and the thing that scares people most is usually the elevator pitch. It can be difficult enough to know what to say when you meet people, let alone having to stand for 60 seconds and give a pitch about your business. The question is: How do you pitch your services at a networking event without feeling awkward or pushy? In this episode, my guest (Nicoline Huizinga) and I share some tactics to put you on the right track: How to greet people at a networking event - what to say and what to do. The mindset shift that will help conquer your nerves and generate more leads and referrals. Three tried and tested scripts y