Chefs on the Grill with Michael Nagrant

Frank Brunacci Interview



For December, Frank Brunacci, chef at Trump International Hotel Tower's Sixteen, tells about life after The Donald said, you're Hired. 401 N. WABASH AVE. 312-924-7600> For December, Frank Brunacci, chef at Trump International Hotel Tower's Sixteen, tells about life after The Donald said, you're Hired. 401 N. WABASH AVE. 312-924-7600 For December, Frank Brunacci, chef at Trump International Hotel Tower's Sixteen, tells about life after The Donald said, you're Hired. 401 N. WABASH AVE. 312-924-7600 Thu, 08 Nov 2007 13:00:35 0000 Arts RSS_BUDDY_268806-57 no 00:33:23 Chicago, Chicago magazine, Chefs, Chef, Michael Nagrant, Food, Dining, Restaurants, Restaurant, Culinary, Chicago magazine, cooking, baking, entertainment, arts,, chicago magazine, Chicago Magazine, Cook, cooking, interview, baker, hash slinger, hasher, mess sergeant, servant, baking Persian native Bob Djahanguiri Interview Chicago Magazine