10 Steps To Ultimate Productivity Course

Lesson 5 - How to Communicate Through Tasks



Welcome to Step 5 of our "10-steps to Ultimate Productivity Course". Here we'll talk about how you can learn to work with other people and start to communicate through tasks to get things done. Newsflash: Everyone's day equals 24 hours. You can't stretch it. You can't bend the time. And if you can, please tell me how, I really want to know! But for now, let's assume - it's impossible. Let's just face it :-) Reality check: You can't do everything better than everyone. You're not always the right man for the job. In order to succeed you need to embrace the fact, that others can do a "good enough" job and help you succeed. If you think explaining stuff to others is a waste of time, think again. It's an investment. Once they get the hang of it, they'll do an amazing job. You'll be surprised. And relieved :-) Watch this lesson on video at: http://ProductivityCourse.com/5