From Cradle to Grave - Shz Taher BS Sabaq Series

4 - Tarbiyat and the Responsibility of a Child’s Upbringing



We are pleased to present the fourth part in the series ‘From the Cradle to the Grave’. In this 16 minute sabaq video, Shz Taher bhaisaheb focuses on the responsibility of parents in the education (tarbiyat) of their children. He states that in the Rasail of Ikhwanus Safa, a human’s life is divided into four stages, just as we have four seasons and four eids. The four stages are: childhood, young age, middle age, and old age. In the first stage, childhood, the responsibility of the parents is to raise their children with love and compassion and to inculcate good values (adab). In this sabaq, Taher bhaisaheb refers to many sayings by Rasulullah SA, Amirul Mumineen SA and Aimmat Tahereen SA. Amirul Mumineen SA identified the responsibilities of a child towards his parents and the responsibilities of the parents to the child. The child is responsible to follow the directions of his parents in all things, except if following their directions will result in disobedience of the Creator. The parents are responsible