Don't Close Your Eyes: Live Radio Theatre!

Old Glory vs. The World of Tomorrow!



Season 5, Episode 4: "Old Glory vs. The World of Tomorrow!" A Four-Star Hero Comic on the Radio written and directed by Ryan Cassavaugh! In 1932 Commander American Flag and the Freedom Squadron of America were the greatest superheros in the world -- but by 1964, times had changed. Super-Villains were no more, there was a New Freedom Squadron keeping the city of Megalopolis safe, and television was replacing radio as the dominant for of entertainment. What is left for a retired crime fighter with a bad back and a heart problem? Not much -- until a mysterious millionaire decides to tear down their old Freedom Lair to put in a TV tower! Is some nefarious plan at work, or has the world just forgotten about the golden age of superheroes? Find out in this weeks thrilling story! Featuring: Pol Llovet as Old Glory, Charlie, and Enchanted Lamp; Leyla Kirschner as Lady Liberty, June Everett, and Kid Speedy; Ryan Lawrence Flynn as The Great Auk, Magic Lantern, and Mayor Applegate; Harry Jahnke as Professor Thinktank,