
Archive 194:Emilie Shoop: A Solopreneur Who Knows How To Look For The Good In Everyone



Todays guest is a lady who is talking my language when it comes to staff development.If you have listened to a few of the shows, you will have heard me wax lyrical as to why companies focus in on the things that employees can't do, and pretty much ignore the things they can.It seems lunacy to me that strengths are not developed to the highest level possible.But for some reason they are not.Well, our guest found that same belief when she was in her first manager role, and whilst sitting in her office got a phone call from a colleague.Her colleague was extremely upset as she had just received her annual performance review and felt beat up and worthless.She shared that she had been barely recognized for the things she was good at, and marked down for things that just weren’t in her nature.And with these words, our guests life was changed forever “Why can’t they just accept me for who I am? I’m 35 years old, I’m not going to change.”An so with those words ringing in her ear, she set off to change the lives of emp