
Archive 199: Mike Domitrz: How To Live A Life Worth Journaling About



Todays guest solopreneur is a man who has a harrowing story, but it is a story that you think "Man that is terrible, but wow he has turned this into a positive. Bigtime"And as we see time and time again on the Join Up Dots archive podcast, our guest will find their path in life due to a situation that you wouldn't wish on anyone. But they move from the dark place into the light by perseverance, love, understanding and curiosity.Of there is a lot of setting goals and taking huge action tooBack in 1989, he has a phone call that changed his life.He had been advised that his sister had been raped. What could he do to help? What could he do to support his sister?Well for two years, he struggled to deal with the rape and the effect it had on his life – both as the brother of a rape victim and as a male. He transferred colleges – so he could be close to home and his sister during the trial. And once back home with his family, he saw the pain, rage and sadness his parents, relatives, and family friends were also goi