Chip's Tips

The Temple - Week 3



Alright last year it's been about a year since most of you all met Mr and Mrs Mark(?) how many of you all remember Mr and Mrs Mark(?) right ___ right here in the front row ___ demonstration about ___ Mr and Mrs Mark(?) we met a year ago and they're having some marriage problem they kept getting in a fight and ___ fight the stuff just kept coming out every time they would fight I'm gonna do that this morning ___ clean up the mess but thankfully Mr and Mark(?) has really work things out they've gone through some good ___ counseling and they're still together we're for them and today they invited a friend of theirs to come ___ church they invited Mr and Mrs Carten(?) have come with them this morning Mr and Mrs Carten(?) have been friends and neighbours with the Marks(?) for sometime and the Marks(?) just look at what going on in their life and said these people are some people that need to be involved in church they just need to be ___.