Chip's Tips

Home Improvement: Building A Christian Home, Week 1



Have you all got ready for this election to be over tonight I have to aim in yeah. I remember that ___ to that point I mean ___ later. Yeah I mean we have heard a lot about a lot of stuff in this election and you know one of the things that I've heard a lot about is outsourcing right both candidates to talk about outsourcing. American jobs to the economy. Important to everybody and you know I was thinking about this idea outsourcing this week and you know I don't really know when it started and if you listen to you know people a group of people talking about it they the democrats blame the republican. The republican blame the democrats and they all blame each other but it really don't have a long way. It goes back a long time like it started kinda of a sixty people started outsourcing their bookkeeping business started getting out external book keeper who keep their books the seventy. Companies started moving their