Chip's Tips

Home Improvement: Building Better Families - Week 4



This morning we're going to continue our discussion about building Christian Homes and today we're gonna talk about the single most you know it's part of what we've been doing with I've been talking about saying you know this is something that's in our homes or physical homes and it's comparing that to our spiritual lives and our lives as as family the part of the home we're gonna talk about today is the single most important part of the house. It is more important than that paint colors it's more important than bathrooms or kitchens it's even more important than location which is pretty important when you buy a house but it's more important than location I would rather have a house in a horrible neighborhood that has this part of the house good shape than a house in great neighborhood that has this part of the house at horrible shape and that part of the house we're talking about is more foundation you've ever had foundation problem in your home but they