Refuge | Justin's Blog

Are we like Sheep?



This is a fascinating excerpt from one of Tim Keller's Sermons entitled He Welcomes Sinners.  In it, we explore the term sheep that is used throughout the Bible to describe what we are like, and how we need a shepherd.  Very insightful.  (You can listen to the excerpt here rather than read below, Keller on Sheep) "First of all the sheep, now when you and I hear that we’re sheep and he is the shepherd it just makes us feel warm, fuzzy, gauzy, and we think of fluffy little lambs and green pastures and still waters and you need to know that when the bible calls Him the great shepherd and us the sheep it is a very important and very well meant spiritual insult. It is an insult, here are the words of a pastor who before he went into the ministry was a shepherd.  He understands what it means.  He says “a sheep is a stupid animal. It looses its direction continually in a way that a cat or dog never does. And even when you find a lost sheep the lost sheep brushes to and fro and will not follow you home. So when you