Married Millennials

Pumpkin Pie



Justin and Joy open the floor for a detailed Q&A session and discuss the key differences between compromise and sacrifice. Elevator Pitch A special Q&A episode with the Love Jays What classic throwback song is guaranteed to get your dancing at a party? What’s your go-to pick me up for rough starts in the morning? What colors do you prefer to wear: dark or light? If you got a tattoo of a quote, what would your tattoo say? Which person is more likely to win a game of ping pong? Sweet potato or pumpkin pie? Which person is most likely to hog the covers? Whose morning breath is worse? Night shower or morning shower? What’s your favorite Disney movie? Name a book you are currently obsessed with? Which house would you be sorted into if you got accepted to Hogwarts? Who wins the most bets? If you had to pack a bag and get on a plane right now, where would you be going? How do you handle having a different belief system or the evolution of a belief system in a relationship? What’s