Married Millennials




Justin and Joy discussing refining all aspects of their life and learning to accept the casualties of growth. Elevator Pitch Joy’s eventful birthday weekend filled with meditation and gratitude. The transition from living a life of accumulation to a life of refinement. Embracing the freedom to live unapologetically free without the pressures of society. How a first-class ticket finally convinced Joy how much Justin loves her. Learning to accept the casualties of growth. Is it possible to repair a friendship without rekindling it? And much more! Spread the Word If you enjoyed the episode, please leave us a review on iTunes and share it with your friends! Connect with us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to share your thoughts about the show. 15 Must-Have Conversations Before Saying "I Do" Are you planning the wedding of your dreams? Before you walk down the aisle, walk through these essential conversations to ensure you and your partner are ready for the big day. Weekly Wellness Newsletter