Grand Theft Aural

Grand Theft Aural 145 - Caitlin Keats, Special Guest!



👩🎨A frank discussion with actor Caitlin Keats including surprising news on our old apartment building, The Villa Carlotta, EMF care, pac-man bacteria, beauty, Michelle McNamara: true crime: E.A.R (Golden State Killer), Street Justice, Nightstalker, doxxing, Cecil the Lion, Yelp, swearing, hindsight regret, Diane Keaton, Trophy Hunting, the human condition, Stephen Hawking, UFO abduction scenario with E.T., India Segment: Stories from the Ashoka Deluxe, foreign accents, free three, cartwheels and handstands, cross-fit, confronting fears, rock climbing, belaying, Tammy Jo, Sully, Twilight Zone, Louis CK, Jello Pudding Pops, Fudgesicles, ice-cream SMASH, old school friends, wedding engagements, Doctor So-Tso, Slutski-Lipshitz and Roboto, Styx, high heels, dogs and docs, Ganglion Bible Cyst, Dr. Pimple Popper, Chiropractors and Acupuncturists, neck cricks, novocaine, gold grillz, root canal stories, ceiling world, HQ Trivia App [seekeats, pauly_a, rice_new], cute dancers, appropriate words, Inuits