Clutch Halo Podcast

Episode 2: The Moment of Truth



In this episode, me(blades dark) goes in SOLO. Due to some scheduling issues its just me this week. But he will be back monday! Episode 2 covers my busy week, Final week of Halo pre-launch news, and a bunch of tips so you can go into halo 5 with confidence! The Secret to a Perfect launch is in this episode. ;) ;) so peep the episode and be sure to catch us next week. ALSO for anything I mentioned in this episode, be sure to click the links below! If you cannot see the audio controls, your browser does not support the audio element Also Tweet us at ClutchHaloPod Add us on Xbox Live! 24 Hrs till Halo 5 Drops for the Fresh coast!!! Catch Got Sick on twitch tv Change your Armor and or Create a Spartan Company(a clan) on the Halo Waypoint site. "Strategy, Substance and Style: Halo 5 Advanced Tactics"