Clutch Halo Podcast

Episode 4: Mo Money Mo Tourneys!



If you cannot see the audio controls, your browser does not support the audio element And on the 2nd week of Halo, CHP gave to me! EPISODE 4!!!!! Episode 4, Mo Money Mo Tourneys!! And I thought last week was full, we did over an over hour show, with editing of my "and Ums" an hour. We are gonna talk about some news regarding match making updates, the removal of Orion from M.M. :o .We also cover Online Tournaments, we both joined 2 different Game Battle FFA Tournaments, Both Lost, HOWEVER Sick ALMOST WON ? Now im not one to believe in "Almosts" but he has an interesting story you ought to hear so you can protect yourselves from these "almost" scenarios. In addition to gamebattles, we talk about other leagues hosting tournaments. "Beyond Entertainment" and the "Pro Gaming League". 2 Great alternatives with just as much opportunity. We also get into some tips to help you on the map "The rig"We get into what we did this week and how ive been attacking the leaderboards. What leaderboards you ask? The on