Website Makeover Workshop

How To Create An Internet Presence In 10 Minutes



When I started out on the internet in the late 90’s it wasn’t as easy as it is today to get online and have a presence quickly. How To Create Internet Presence In 10 Minutes There were ways to create websites, but without knowledge of HTML or the desire to learn about web design it was a challenge.Most people invested large amounts of money to have their websites designed. Today any and everyone can create a web presence online overnight. Yes! You can have a web presence overnight. However the key is this, doing it right. I was online in the 2003, but it wasn’t right. The same struggles many are having today, I didn’t know the key and pivotal elements to getting started online right. How can one do it right? 1., Blog – Getting a blog is one of the fastest and cost effective ways to getting online today. Blogs are easy to update, which means there’s no need for a webmaster to make small and minute changes. The cost is either free, small base fee or you can host it yourself. It all depends your skill le