Ask Away

EPISODE 2 - Ask Away



London Underground (By carefully how you ask a questions on this topic), London Overground, Boys' Brigade, Places to go in North Wales, What to do in Dublin, The Dublin Luas, Things to do on the Isle of Man, Kniting and the Bible.

If you have a question on any of these topics, feel free to ask. Even if it is to find out about one of the topics. Or feel free to listen in to the podcast as it is being recorded, you never know, you meant end up joining in. (If you have a talkshoe id or sign up for one.)

The pdocast that allows you to ask questions based on the topics of the host and the panel (when I have people for the panel).

If you would like to be part of the panel, then just send me a Email at, with a list of topics that you feel you can answer questions on.
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