

Jeff Moss, founder of Black Hat, invites Chief Information Security Officers from global corporations to join him on stage for a unique set of questions and answers. What do CISOs think of Black Hat, David Litchfield, Dan Kaminsky, Joe Grand, Johnny Long, Metasploit, and DEFCON? How many years before deperimeterization is a reality? Is security research more helpful or harmful to the economy? What privacy practices do CISOs personally use? These questions and others from the audience will be fielded by this panel of security visionaries. Scott Blake is Chief Information Security Officer for Liberty Mutual Insurance Group and is responsible for information security strategy and policy. Prior to joining Liberty, Scott was Vice President of Information Security for BindView Corporation where he founded the RAZOR security research team and directed security technology, market, and public affairs strategy. Scott has delivered many lectures on all aspects of information security and is frequently sought by the p