Shooting The Breeze Podcast (audio Only)

Shooting The Breeze Podcast: Episode 46



Pre-News: Could use a Podcast Logo designed by a graphically inclined listener / viewer New contest for a signed copy of SHOOT by Julie Golob In The News: Georgia Tech graduate student shoots another student who was trying to break into his house Armed passerby saved woman from brutal attack near downtown Athens Self-Defense and the Anti-Gun Mentality Gun group takes ‘junk’ guns to Chicago for trade-in Featured Content: Chaos and his friend Don talk about how much reality TV gun shows suck from the ENDO Gun Blog The gun store guys handle some pink guns and show alternatives from the ENDO Gun Blog Cigar and Drink Pairing: Cigar: Ortega Serie D No. 8 – Natural Beverage: Wolfgang Puck Coffee Note: Ordered 1lb 2nd Amendment Coffee If you are interested in trying this cigar Pick up the phone and order from my preferred retailer. Buckhead Cigar Phone: (404) 844-0400 | Twitter: @BuckheadCigar | Web: AskTheCigarGuys Discussion Topic: Over the weekend I had the pleasure of attending the 2012 Famous Smoke Shop Cigarniv