Your Mouth Is The Door To Your Health

Find out what a mouthpiece can do for you with Dr. Tammy Balatgek



Jonathan Trice went to the orthodontist to get his teeth straightened and as a result developed sleep apnea. In an effort to get a good night’s sleep Jonathan did all he could. Jonathan was overweight and lost 50 pounds. He tried a C-Pap Machine but found it uncomfortable and in-effective. He went to see Dr Tammy Balatgek at the Center for TMJ and Sleep Disorders and there he found relief. Dr Tammy Balatgek molded a mouthpiece that moved Jonathan’s lower jaw back allowing proper air flow while sleeping. Jonathan says the mouthpiece is “very comfy and easy to take care of. I noticed a big difference... I sleep great”. Jonathan has one more treatment with the orthodontist and then will take the next step with Dr. Tammy Balatgek. Dr Tammy Balatgek designs mouthpieces individually for each patient’s needs. If you suffer from migraines, grinding teeth, TMJ, or sleep apnea this personally designed mouth appliance provides relief.