Nvbc - The Seven Deadly Sins

Man is Sinful - Really, Couldn't be that Bad?



Pastor Thomas is starting a sermon series on the ‘7 Deadly sins’. Prior to preaching on the specifics (2/9), he is doing a 2 week introduction on 2 topics that are presumed in the series. This is the second sermon of his introduction. Intro: God’s holiness makes our goodness look putrid 1. God has determined that all are sinners and we fall short of God’s perfect glory (Rom 3:23, Eccl 7:20) 2. For starters, every sin is: 3. “It’s not your fault”, it was Adam’s (Rom 5:19a) 4. “It’s not your fault” you didn’t have a chance! (Ps 51:5, Eph 2:3) Question: So, could you agree with the current emphasis in society that some people are born with a certain orientation? Biblical Response: “Orientation”: If the Word of God calls something sin, then the cause, origin or the why is a moot issue. Definition of sin is found in the Word; forgiveness – in Jesus Christ! 5. The problem is worse than you think (cf. # 2): 6. Every statement about how it’s not your fault, it’s stacked against you, etc. is accurate. It is also