You, Me, Us, Now

Sarra Tekola: Black Lives Matter and Environmental Activist



I started this podcast in 2014 because I wanted to highlight people I met when I was Mayor of Seattle. I hoped that hearing stories from people on the front lines of social change - how they got started, what they cared about - would inspire others to take action. This spring I was the person deciding to take action - I've entered the race for Seattle Mayor. So the podcast has a new twist - It's You, Me, Us, Now - Campaign Edition. Joined by the inimitable Hanna Brooks Olsen, we will take a look behind the scenes of a campaign. She'll ask me not just about the issues, but about how campaigns work, and how it feels to be a candidate. If you want a closer look at what it's like to run for office, sign up and follow along. A little background - the title is derived from the teachings of Marshall Ganz. Change ultimately comes from people sharing their stories to build a shared narrative of the world they want to see. I hope you'll join me in this campaign, check out some of the prior shows, and get involved yourself in trying to change things for the better.