All About Windows Phone Insight Podcast

AAWP Insight #248: Windows 10 Mobile vs Android



In this week's podcast, Rafe Blandford and I chat about the pros and cons of Windows 10 Mobile versus jumping to (e.g.) Android, helped by the appearance of the new Galaxy S9. Fear not though, as there's plenty of monthly update chat plus app reviews, and more...This podcast was recorded on 15th March 2018. Show notes: Wileyfox Pro status... £100 off the Alcatel IDOL 4 Pro at Microsoft sites Review: Nimbus Note UWP: a worthy contender for Evernote fans Review: Sygic GPS Navigation UWP Camera head to head: Lumia 950 XL vs Samsung Galaxy S9 Flagship head to head: Lumia 950 XL vs Samsung Galaxy S9 Jumping to Android? Coming from (e.g.) a Lumia, the S9 is the best bet... Gemini: P for Productivity An honest comparison: the pros and cons of a switch to Android You can see more of our podcasts in the Media section of the site.