Cthulhu On Parade!

Cthulhu on Parade! AP Episode 41: Fiasco - Toil & Trouble



Gentle listeners, allow me to introduce to you another episode of the podcast you have grown to listen to perhaps these many years, perhaps just recently. Maybe this is your first time listening. Or maybe you'll skip this one, in which case, I thank you for your patience in reading this. But suppose you -don't- skip this episode. Suppose, instead, you were to download it, or stream it online? Or purchase it on CD in one of your popular record stores? What could one hope to hear in such an episode as this? Set aside your fears for the future. In this tale, we examine the lives of three promising (sorta) students at an established wizarding school/business college in London, where dark forces are amassing, and there's a shady-looking potions teacher, but it's entirely legally distinct from any other school of a similar nature because it's also a business college and it's called Hogwash. Also there's a bit that I cut from the beginning where I made a mildly offensive attempt at humour which you shall never be