Canadian Immigration Podcast

Season 3 Episode 2: Navigating Canadian Ports of Entry - the Jekyll and Hyde experience



Are you considering sending one of your clients to a Canadian port of entry to benefit from faster processing? STOP! Listen to this Episode before you even think about doing this. will get faster processing - however, you may not be as thrilled with the decision you get on that application. Join me in this Episode where I share some of my own x-immigration officer insight on navigating Canadian ports of entry. [smart_track_player url="" social="true" social_twitter="true" social_facebook="true" social_gplus="true" social_linkedin="true" ] For the last couple of years, I have always followed an interview format on my Canadian Immigration Podcast. There has always been an awesome guest who joins me to discuss the various topics I cover on Canadian immigration. However, in this episode I decided to "go solo" for a change. In the summer of 2002 ('s hard to believe so much time as passed), this  young fellow had the opportuni