One Thousand Hertz

About Face(Book)



I had just turned 50. I don't know what is it about birthdays, especially benchmark birthdays (21, 30, 40 etc) but there is somehow an expectation for that birthday. My 50 had me reflecting about old friends and wondering where they were and what they were doing. So I joined Facebook.Simply joining Facebook reconnected me with friends from high school and college- people I realized were very important to making me the person I was at 50.  Looking at my friends list I noticed that the common thread- though they are diverse in their beliefs, race, sex, sexual orientations, social status- the common thread was that all these folks are good people. This is may be my opinion but I believe others would agree if they knew them as I do.Good ordinary people with families, doing the day to day the best way they can. They are all surviving challenges the world throws at them. Good People.So this a long way of saying that a bunch of my high school friends and I got together to go to a Dodger's game last night. Last