Honor The Feminine Podcast

Ep 94 ~ Kimberly Johnson ~ MagaMama



Visit www.honorthefeminine.com KIMBERLY ANN JOHNSON was a yoga teacher and bodyworker whose body, and life, was permanently altered when she sustained an injury during childbirth. Determined not to get a full pelvic floor reconstructive surgery, she traveled the world learning about postpartum practices. After healing herself, she became a doula, Sexological Bodyworker, and Somatic Experiencing practitioner so that she could help women through this important and overlooked phase of development that is the postpartum period. As is taught in many traditional cultures, she believes that when nurtured and taken care of properly, women can emerge from this rite of passage stronger, more whole, and with more access to their power. She believes the same is true of relationship, that with the right tools, marriages and partnerships can be more connected and robust after children. For this reason, she wrote The Fourth Trimester: A Postpartum Guide to Healing Your Body, Balancing Your Emotions, and Restoring Your Vital