Is This Podcast Paleo? Crossfit, Food, Lifting And Paleo For Real People

#98 – Live to Lift Another Day – Steph Gaudreau of Stupid Easy Paleo (Part 2)



Feeling like you NEED to run forever to stay in shape. Finding your ideal weight. Eating for fun and not hunger. Strategies for breaking a negative mindset. Expectations and Agreements. Exercising because you hate your body. Importance of strength training for endurance athletes. Finding balance in training. How your period impacts your performance. Forever fixing your body. Keep up with Steph at her blog Instagram @StupidEasyPaleo Facebook: Stupid Easy Paleo Catch up with Kristin at or @TheGirlWithTheButter. Get more from Everett at or @PaleoFatKid This episode is brought to you by EQUIP FOODS! You can also use our coupon code to get your Keto needs met at Don’t freak out! It’s still the same protein, carb, and greens that you love from what was PureWOD…just with a new name and fresh look. Equip Foods offers high quality, junk-free, additive-free, dairy-free protein, pre workout, and more. While I LOVE the Prime Protein (formerly BU