Radio Free Culture | Wfmu

Radio Free Culture #40: MicroSong Super Special BONUS Episode!! from Mar 10, 2015



[All our favorite microSong Challenge entries!] Kollagemontage - "Alalala" - microSong Challenge [honorable mention] Squire Tuck - "No Time To Lose" - microSong Challenge [honorable mention] Stereo Akt - "Before You Die" - microSong Challenge [honorable mention] Pipe Choir - "Sunbeam 1" - microSong Challenge [honorable mention] Troy Holder - "Exoskeleton" - microSong Challenge [honorable mention] szabi - "fame for orchestra oboa and bassoon" - microSong Challenge [honorable mention] Neblung Price - "Lampost Moonlight" - microSong Challenge [honorable mention] getoffloops - "Intruder" - microSong Challenge [honorable mention] Room 34 - "The Fall of the Village of the Infinetisimal Forest at the Hands of the Royal Aggressor (an Epic in Seven Parts)" - microSong Challenge [honorable mention] Greg Reinfeld - "Clyde the Formidable Cat" - microSong Challenge [honorable mention] Nick Fraelich - "Pung" - microSong Challenge [honorable mention] The Jazz Kissingers - "I Wish I Could Identify That Smell" - microSong Cha