At Your Service

#3 The Fog



"Design research is not something comfortable, at all." —Dalma Kadocsa There's this little secret about the design process that nobody likes to talk about. It's an anxiety-provoking, scary moment. It can feel pointless, but it actually has a purpose. What is it? Why do we work this way? Our team hits this moment of truth, and tries to maneuver out of it through a meeting with a certain expert in the sector. In this episode we used a custom rap by Saeid Edward. Our theme song is by Rob Rusli, plus additional music in this episode from Rob Rusli Adam Selzer, Ben Seretan, Quartet San Francisco, and Thad Wenatchee. This episode also used sound effects under the Creative Commons attribution license from users Keweldog, Anthousai, Dig2008, BrokenPhono, BennyChico11 and HerbertBoland.