Dr. Howard Smith Oncall

Urine Test For Aggressive Prostate Cancer



Vidcast:  https://www.instagram.com/p/C6W0W3XrJl0/ Urologists and pathologists at the University of Michigan have developed a gene-based urine test that detects the most dangerous prostate cancers more effectively than the standard PSA tests.  They identified 18 genes uniquely expressed by high grade prostate cancers and detectable in the urine.  They paired the gene test with clinical data to derive an MPS2 value.  MPS2 stands for MyProstateScore2, and this test is now available in conjunction with LynxDx. This company has worked closely with the Michigan researchers in developing the test for commercialization. Testing 743 men using MPS2 in comparison with PSA showed that the MPS2 determination detected advanced prostate cancers 35% more effectively than PSA.  This would reduce the need for a prostate biopsy after an elevated PSA by 35-42% and the need for a repeat biopsy by 46-51%. This new gene-based urine test should not only detect the most lethal prostate cancers earlier but also reduce unnecessary