Ring Of Fire Radio With Sam Seder, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. And Mike Papantonio

Episode 741: Trump Lawyers Unconventional Defense; RFK Jr's Effect on Trump and Biden



This week on Ring of Fire! Donald Trump's lawyers have so far done a horrible job of convincing the jury that he didn't do anything wrong. In their opening statements this week, the lawyers claimed that Trump is "innocent," and then proceeded to claim that even if he did it, it still isn't a crime. His lawyers appear to be less focused on proving his innocence than they are on convincing the jury that the crimes aren't actually illegal. That's never a winning strategy in court. Presidential polling is still all over the place, with some polls showing President Biden easily beating Trump, while others are still showing a tight race with Trump one or two points ahead. But these numbers change dramatically when all other candidates are included, and more and more these polls are showing that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is peeling more support away from Trump than he is from Biden. In fact, when Kennedy is included, Trump now loses, even in polls where he was ahead in a two-way matchup. One of the major conc