Inspiring You With Henri Hebert

Unlock Your Intuition: Scorpio Full Moon Mindful Reiki Meditation | Ep 381



Mindful Reiki Meditation for the Full Moon in Scorpio In this episode, we dive into the powerful energies of the Full Moon in Scorpio. This lunar phase invites us to release, transform, and connect with our intuition. Join us for a guided to align with this cosmic event. Key Points: Full Moon Energies: The Full Moon in Scorpio occurs on April 23, 2024. It’s a time of completion, reflection, and deep emotional healing. The moon acts as a cosmic magnet, drawing away energies that no longer serve us. Connecting with Your Higher Self: Imagine your celestial archivist and higher self soaring toward the moon. They land within the Akashic records, where ancient wisdom resides. These records hold the chronicles of your soul’s past, present, and future incarnations. Receiving Cosmic Wisdom: Allow the transfer of glowing energy from the Akashic records to find its home within you. The moon pours radiant source energy and heavenly light code activations into your being. Your quantum self merg